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The Team at Face Chapter

Experiential Service Sharing Creative and Meaningful Memories


Style Sourixay Versatile

Spiritual Artist, Senior Photogapher, Producer, Editor, & Branding Master

Style also has the "Ninja Name" Arichifutaku! He's the founder and visionary leader of Face Chapter. Here he has created a platform where he invites others to evolve their best. Be in the arts or in living a honest human life. If you are a talent that would add to the flavors of the versatile dishes to be delivered, feel free to reach out and share how we can synergize?

Do you have media skills?

We are seeking editors, photographers, any metaverse skilled creative contributers.

Truly if you seek to be a co-creator in the limitless creative space, feel free to reach out and share how we could be a stellar team?


There's really no wrong questions... just sometimes not a fit. But the best way we know is by interacting, right?


Truly having a team of accountable doers is how we will evolve to the next level. So if you are feeling the vibes, let's perhaps tribe?

Are you a Artist or gifted in any unique talents?

Seeking Co-Creators / Artists / Models / Int-Entrepreneurs

If you have the talent, let Style know! Or if he approaches you to collaborate, please feel blessed for the scenario.

(Don't let his mug be the only one on this page) LOL Please HELP!

Thanks connecting in advance and may the force be with us always!

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